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How to purchase a return air grille
 Hits:3114 AddTime:2023/6/15 17:39:52
The selection of sewage treatment equipment grids includes the selection of grid section, determination of grid spacing, and selection of grid slag removal methods. The cross-sectional shapes of grid bars include squares, circles, rectangles, and rectangles with semicircles. Circular cross-section bars have good hydraulic conditions, low water flow resistance, but poor stiffness, and generally use rectangular bars. The cross-sectional shape of the grid bars can be selected according to the following table.
Determination of grid bar spacing
1. The clearance of the front grille of the water pump is determined according to the requirements of the water pump. (Refer to P178 Table 6-3 of the teaching material)
2. The determination of the spacing between the front grille of the sewage treatment system is generally as follows: manual slag removal: 25-40mm; Mechanical slag removal: 10-25mm.
3. Determination of slag amount: For domestic sewage, if there is a lack of information, it can be determined according to Table 6-4 of the textbook.
Determination of Design Parameters for Grating of Sewage Treatment Equipment
1. The flow rate of sewage in front of the fence is 0.4-0.9m/s;
2. Flow velocity through the grid: 0.6-1.0m/s;
3. The height difference h1 (head loss) between the bottom of the channel before and after the gate is generally taken as 0.08-0.15m;
4. Grid inclination angle: 45 °~75 °
Operation and Maintenance
For manual slag removal grilles: promptly remove and prevent blockage.
For mechanical slag removal grilles: ensure normal operation. Intermittent cleaning should be equipped with overload automatic protection devices.
Regular inspection and maintenance of all parts of the equipment are required, and maintenance records should be kept.
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